Wednesday, October 7, 2009

well, what can I say...

Sometimes, when people are bored, they post randomly on a blog to see if anyone still checks it. Or they put underwear on their head and pretend it's a helmet. Those two things are fairly common, I am sure.

If you still check this, I love you and I am sorry. I cannot promise any frequent postings either. At least I am being honest.

Come find me on Facebook. I frequently waste my time there.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The CSPIA and Me....and you, too!

I know I am a slacker, get off me!
Here is the skinny...
*I am not sure if everyone is aware, but there are a lot of idiots in the government. A new law goes into effect February 10, 2009 that will, unless it is fixed, basically shut down Baby Bling. I really am not being over dramatic, there is no possible way for us to comply. The current law requires manufacturers of items sold for use by children under 12 to be tested for lead or phthalates. Any item containing more that 0.1% of either of those cannot be produced or sold after February 10th. Lead or phthalates can be found in paint & dye. The law requires that every component used to make the product (ribbon, flower, headband, etc) in EVERY COLOR (keep in mind we have 30+ colors of everything) be tested individually and then tested AGAIN once they are assembled. This is not just a one time thing either, every bow that is made has to be tested. The cheapest I have heard it $100 per test.

Though I am confident that our products are well below the standard levels, I cannot possibly do anything. I just sit here and Google the subject all day, waiting for something to pop up and tell me the law has been adjusted.

So, if you love me Google CSPIA and sign every petition and submit every letter you can find.

Start here :

And here:


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Who are they?

Oh, they would be Glen & Summer the awesomest Real Estate Agents in Utah County!

I'd like to take this time to congratulate myself on passing the Real Estate Exam. It's hard to believe, even for me (and I am pretty full of myself) that I did the entire program, and passed, and didn't implode or injure anyone.

THANKS! to Glen for toting Rio around all day so I could take classes and study, to Mom for baby sitting {as always} and to my children for quickly responding to , "Get the $@!! out of the office!" I love you all and you will be blessed with stuff as I venture forth into the wild Real Estate world and make millions of dollars.
Oh yeah, call me if you're interested in buying or selling a home. There's the shameless plug...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Family Picture 2008

What could be better than a good photographer, er....THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHER for a friend?! Our pictures were done by Peekaboo Photos Katie and Dan do such a great job every time.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wanna Get Stoked on the Season?!

That title makes me sound like I am someone who actually snowboards, I'm not. Just a poser. Everyone else in my house is excited so I guess it rubs off a little.

Here's a link from Snowboarder Mag.

Scroll down on the right, Maybel is in picture #15

Sunday, November 2, 2008

All Hallows Eve

Thanks to everyone for waiting so patiently for my Halloween pictures. I am sure you all were sitting by your computers.

I am trying to be quick with this business so here are the pictures, sorry no captions. If you can't figure it out give me a call!

This was Rio's first real Halloween and he thought it was awesome. He has a major sweet tooth and thought the free candy (everywhere we went grocery store, kids school, etc.) was like manna from the heavens! Late tonight he came upstairs asking for eggs, I was tired, but made them because I figured he needed something healthy in his system. So I set them down in front of him and he said, "Oh, I wish these had frosting on them."
I hope all of you had a great Halloween and are surviving your kids-on-candy and the well intentioned desire to "dispose of" {a.k.a. eat} of all of their good loot!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Here is the tag: You post the 4th picture from the 4th photo folder. It's doesn't really get more random than this!

This from Finn's preschool graduation. They did a little play where they all dressed up as Nursery Rhyme characters. They were assigned a character and the parents had to make the costume. Yes, I did make the hat myself. Yes, we still have it if anyone is interested in being the Muffin Man for Halloween.

We all thought this character was fitting for Finn because {aside from his affinity for any type of pastry} we used to sing, "Do you know the Chubby Man?" to the tune of "Do you know the Muffin Man" {duh!} to him when he was little.

Wow! that ended up being a really long sentence and I am not even sure if it was "proper". Okay, now I am sure that I am rambling. Sorry, I was trying to make this seem like a great post since I am too lazy to do anything else. I'll stop now. Anyone else who is looking for something quick to post so they don't look like a slacking blogger I TAG YOU!