Monday, August 18, 2008


I guess I am a loser because I kind of get offended when I read some one's blog and they don't tag me. I have no life. How sad. So BIG thanks to Aubrey, you like me...
How to play the game. Post these rules on your blog: List 3 Joys, 3 Fears, 3 Goals, 3 Current Obsessions/Collections, and 3 Random Surprises about yourself. Tag five people at the end of your post by leaving their names.
3 JOYS-*Seeing my kids happy
*Reading a good book with Glen next to me reading his own good book
*Sittting around, after Sunday dinner at my Mom's, talking to my family.
3 FEARS-*Spiders and sharks
*Losing a family member
*Forgetting to pay a bill
3 GOALS-*Go a whole month in between Target trips so everything seems new!
*Get my Real Estate License
*Sell baby BLiNG for 20 billion dollars
*Dancing! Woot Woot!
*Lemon desserts
3 RANDOM SURPRISES ABOUT MYSELF-*I can't go under water without plugging my nose. Okay, those of you who know me well may not be that surprised
*I was in a Metallica video when I was 18. That's all the information I will give, any more and it doesn't seem as cool.
*I want to join a roller derby, anyone with me?

I tag Hollie, Dawn and Millie so they will update their freaking blogs and Cyndi and Lindsey because I know they will make me laugh!


bulkleybunch said...

fun!! i've posted 3 times today miss rude butt. i've been busy and my kids have been boring-nothing to blog about. love ya!! :)