Friday, July 18, 2008 the corner of my mind...

Here is a fun little game... leave a comment on my blog of a memory that you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you've known me for a short time or a long time, anything that you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memeory about you. It is pretty funny to read the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you are playing and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. On your mark... get set... blog those memories!


cyndi said...

lets see.... the year is 1996? I can remeber driving to school one day and it was super snowy, we were driving down the road that runs past timpanogos high school and the road was really icy, when we were going on a little curve and you pressed the brakes a little and the car totally spun around and was facing the way we came, so we just decided that was a sign and drove back home and went back to sleep! ahhh the good ol' days.

The Johnson's said...

I have lots of memories with you. The ones that seem to alway come to mind are the famous Jeep trips we made down to Moab, especially the ones right after Thanksgiving. I remember Maleah was just about 6 months old and you loved taking your camera everywhere with you. I must have not been paying attention (that doesn't shock me) because that Christmas you gave us the cutest picture of Maleah you had taken. It was just of her face and you tell she was all wrapped up because of the weather. I love that picture so much that I still have it hanging up on the wall, 5 years later.

lindseyj said...

Well let's just use the most recent example, shall we? I remember one fine morning last week around 10am when Kelly failed to mention that you and Glen were coming over. I was in the basement in my underwear doing the laundry when Kelly came down to tell me you guys were here. Since I was NOT about to come upstairs looking like I did, I had to hide out in my basement for 20 minutes until you guys were gone. I kept waiting for Kelly to bring me some clothes or something so I could come up and say hi, but I guess he forgot about me. Great memory. Oh, and my very first memory of you was when I saw you outside playing with your kids for the first time and I thought you were their babysitter until I finally met you a few weeks later. You suck.

Sarah said...

when I found out you were the brains behind baby bling i was soooo impressed! My mom couldn't stop talking about how cute they were and she bought me a ton when Allie was born...I felt pretty cool that I knew the gal who made em':)

Jamie Derfler said...

I can't believe that I stumbled onto your blog. Your kids have gotten so big. As for a memory. I remember coming to your town house in Lehi and swimming in your pool and Brayden had a broken arm and you were pregnant with Rio.

bulkleybunch said...

remember when we were going to be REBELS at my ten year reunion?!-ha! remember when chase would beat up maybel,finn, and then jonas all in one visit? remember pizza and spaghetti family nights? remember mosquitoes? remember bishop what's his face? remember when i felt all important cuz i got an invite? remember going to ikea in cali? remember that i still use your garage sale car seat? ahhh, nothing like memories!!!! love you lots summer!

Beck said...

Hey Summer! I found you on Lindseys blog. Fun to see all your pics of you absolutely adoreable family! My most memorable memory of you was when you were pregnant at the condos and I saw you at the pool. You still to date are the hottest pregnant woman I have ever seen. And I love how all of your kids rode their bikes with little skater helmets on.

Aubrey said...

my best memories of you are from last summer when i'd see you outside searching for eddie up and down the streets of lehi. :) oh...and the first time i saw you and wondered if you were the mother or the nanny because i thought you were too hot to be a mom.

Bockholt said...

Sheep Shoes. Your at Boardriders and were wearing these white sheep shoes. I thought you looked so cool I bought them for myself- I still have them somewhere I think.

Anonymous said...

i have a memory of you giving me a hard time about not updating my blog... well, i finally did! unfortunately, there still aren't zenger pictures on there, but i have been making progress...