Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I Ride Park does Shaun

Last night we took the kids to Park City Resort for the premier of the snowboarding movie "I Ride Park City". It was set to be an awesome night of autographs from snowboarding pros, all the free stuff they throw out, good times with friends and of course, the movie.

We decided to meet up with the Grant Family. They live in Park City and Matt rides on the Park City Snowboard Team with Jonas. We always have a lot of fun with them. Since the movie didn't start until late we took the boys to the local skate park for a little while.

Oh Yeah...

He was there too:

WHAT?! Yea, that's what I said. Mr. Tomato Head himself was just cruising the local skate park. No crowds, no entourage, just one crazy stalker with a

Here is Jonas and Shaun contemplating their next move. Jonas was so chill and not star struck at all. He just cruised around with his awesome, smooth style. Shaun was pretty good too.

While this was rad, the highlight of the night for me came a little later. We were at the premier, all of the parents were sitting at a table eating dinner and the kids were off collecting the free stuff. The line was starting to form for autographs and all of the sudden Maybel comes running over with a stack of stickers yelling that she needs a pen. I explain to her that Shaun White and the other pros have pens to sign her stuff. Of course she is adamant and so someone hands her a Sharpie. We are sitting in our seats and all of the kids start wandering back with their autographed posters and such. Come to find out that when Maybel got her poster signed by each pro she handed them a sticker with HER signature on it. Well now, some one is pretty sure of herself, isn't she?!


Cyndi said...

that is AWESOME! And too funny about Maybel! what a little diva!

BrendaSue said...

Go Maybel!!! What an awesome night you guys had! (Is awesome still a cool word to use or does that put me back in the 80's?) So did Jones and Finn impress Mr. White?

Alisa said...

That's awesome that Maybel handed out autographed stickers. I wonder what they did with them? I would have thought it was fabulous and started my own collection.

lindseyj said...

Oh my! We almost went up for that. Christian is dying right now. He can't believe it! We really wish we would have gone now. That sucks.

dude said...


bulkleybunch said...

sooo cute. i love the maybel story! love ya!

Aubrey said...

Oh what a cute story! I'm glad you were star struck by Shaun White. :) Maybel is such a character. We miss you guys. Hope all is well. I started Breaking Dawn yesterday!

Sarah said...

you are the coolest family.

Sarah said...

would love to come! just tell me when and we'll be there:)

Aubrey said...

pretty sure i have been updating my blog more often than you lately...just thought you should know.